Transpac History

 The Transpac, is a 2,225 nautical mile race which was conceived in 1886 by King Kalakaua of the Sandwich Islands in an invitation to the Pacific Yacht Club in San Francisco.  The invitation was to race from the bay to Honolulu in time for the king’s 50th jubilee festivities at Iolani Palace.  Unfortunately, it took twenty years to collect enthusiasm for the race with California yachtsmen.  In 1906, the challenge was finally accepted and a host of grand yachts were scheduled to race to Hawaii, only to be altered by San Francisco’s great earthquake.  Yachtsmen, being what they are, moved the starting gate to San Pedro on June 11, 1906.  The first winner, Lurline, passed the finish at Diamond Head some 12 days and 10 hours later.  Lurline was an 86-foot schooner.

The Transpac was recently one of only six races listed as an ocean classic in the book “Top Yacht Races of the World.”  It remains a race for boats large and small, sailors amateur and professional, with perhaps the most desirable destination of them all, Hawaii.  World-class yachts have participated in the Transpac; these include Blackfin, Goodwill, Nalu, Legend, Windward Passage, Morning Star, Ticonderoga, Ragtime and Merlin.

Festivities start weeks in advance at the Long Beach Yacht Club and continue at all Hawaii yacht clubs following the last finisher.

For further information on the Transpac race see

The finish line


King David Kalaukaua and the first invitation to race to Hawai'i