The Crews

           We have two kinds of crew: the serious and the not serious at all.  Let’s start with the latter.

The whole fandamily sails with us. Mostly all the Blacks, a few Hos and a Bintliff or three. Jackie, Teoni, Jonah, Jacob, and Gib. Kaeli, Kea, Hana, Nalu, and Tepua.  Mele, Scott & Campbell.

On occasion friends step aboard for Diamond Head sunsets, Kaneohe barbecues, and inter island stuff. Pat (UK), Tim & Glenda (HI), Paul & Peggy (HI), Ross & Terry (HI), The Marsden clan (NZ),Vic & Alix (Can), Jim & Voni (ME), Hersh and Francies (HI), Barry (ME), Yumi & Justin (HI).

            The first Transpac Crew; as a salute to the first guys on the fist SC 50 to enter this legendary race. Randy Parker, Don Snyder, Harvey Kilpatrick, Bill Lee, Phillip Vanderberg, Rob Wade, & Fred Sampson.

2016 Pacific Cup Crew

  • Captain/Headcheese-Gib Black-Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, HI
  • Navigator- Jack Everett, Redwood, City
  • Watch Captain - Mark Svenson, Malibu, CA
  • Watch Captain - Mark Maglin, Annapolis, MD
  • Foredeck-Kevin Dudney, Oakland, CA
  • Tod Curtis Moody, Tiburon, CA
  • David Holscher, Tiburon, CA
  • Vito Bialla, Sausalito, CA
  • Richard Garman, San Francisco, CA
  • Jonathan Edelman, Orlando, FL
  • Jackie has declined to join us for the 13th time.

2016 Delivery Crew

Mark Woods - Captain 
Kareem Dabbagh - Crew
Tsama Pineda - Crew
Neal Mueller - Crew

2009 Transpac Crew

2007 crew

The 2007 Transpac crew

2007 crew

Porpoise off Lahaina

The prestigious Dillingham Trophy presented to the crew of Chasch Mer for three top Hawaiian boat wins.

2013 Transpac Start

Ron cleans up the halyards after the spinnaker set

Transpac Party

Transpac Party w/ Jams World Shirts